What we do

We are a non-profit organisation in Sheffield that supports young people to achieve the unbelievable. We do this by delivering programmes and workshops designed to empower young people to make a positive change in their communities, raise their aspirations and become role models to their peers.

We do this by making young people feel valued individually and as part of a community, encouraging young people to try something new or achieve something greater and providing the means to give young people better prospects for the future.

Since opening in 2013, we have empowered over 5,500 young people to change their lives and their communities. Young people on Element’s programmes have completed over 181,000 volunteer work hours, making a difference in Sheffield’s lives and communities. This vital voluntary action has contributed at least £1.7 million of impact to the city.


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Our Projects Our Impact Our Partners

The charity began working with just 12 young people. It swiftly ballooned due to its ethos and youth empowerment attitude. Element now works with at least 500 young people each year of all abilities, backgrounds and religions. Element has supported over 180 social action projects which have tackled issues including knife crime, racism, mental health, inclusivity, climate change, road safety, child sexual exploitation and many more topics that matter to young people.

Element is present in 11 secondary schools, the Special Education schools and pupil referral units. We also connect with other charities, faith organisations, homeless charities and community organisations to ensure that we are inclusive. 65% of our young people identify as from BAMER backgrounds. Independent to this statistic, 15% self-identify as having special education needs.


Element is truly youth-led with a Youth Board that sits in parallel to the Board of Trustees. The Youth Board attends Board of Trustee meetings, has its own operational capacity to run projects and coproduces projects with the Senior Leadership Team.

The groups we support

The age range is primarily 16 to 18-year-olds, however, certain projects work with 14 -24-year-olds.

Although Element is open to all young people of Sheffield, we have activities to support targeted groups:

  • Young people living with Special Needs
  • Refugees / displaced migrants
  • Young people from areas with high rates of poverty
  • Care leavers and young people in care
  • Young people struggling with mental health
  • Young people who are NEET

Element has supported over 200 social action projects in Sheffield that have tackled issues including knife crime, racism, mental health, inclusivity, climate change, road safety, child sexual exploitation and many more topics that matter to young people.

Legal definition of Element’s Charitable Objectives

As a registered charity, Element has the legal capacity to undertake activities for the benefit of society. The Charity Commission has ratified the legal definition of Element’s activity, and it is against this definition that Element must report to the Charity Commission. To date, 100% of Element’s activity work and expenditure has matched this definition.

The charity's objects ("Objects") are the advancement in the life of young people who are disadvantaged due to factors including but not limited to: mental health, employment, educational attainment, financial, social skills, low social mobility, discrimination, and stability.

Element achieves this by providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

Further information about Element Society can be found on the Companies House website.