About Us Our Impact Element make an impact on young people so they can make an impact on the world! Element Society is an inspiring, forward thinking charity that makes a positive impact. - Charity Partner, 2019 Teamwork was clearly observed, and some of the young people had stepped up to become project leaders showing excellent leadership skills and taking on responsibility beyond their years. - Assessment Services, Quality Assessment Report, 2022 How young people feel after being on our programmes: It was clear that staff had excellent caring relstionships with young people. - PHAROS, In-programme Assessment, 2022, Score 100% Element's opportunities are truly open to everyone I’ve been pleased to work with the Element Society on the National Citizen Service summer programme, which has attracted young people from a range of a wide range of backgrounds to learn together and work on some great community projects. - Paul Blomfield, 2020 Our work is great value for money The NCS programme delivers social benefits (monetised benefit associated with volunteering and leadership) worth up to £3.49 for every pound spent. - National Citizen Service, 2018 Evaluation, DCMS Play a part in what we want to achieve! Volunteer with us! Find out how we could support your community! Have we helped you help someone else? Tell us about it! Reports Impact Report Authorised Financial Accounts Manage Cookie Preferences