Remote family exercises My son is taking keeping me fit really seriously, or is he after his inheritance?? He's making me work really hard and my quads (thigh muscles) are killing me. But, its got to be done. Just half an hour a day keeps my lungs as fit as they can be and training is so much easier when it's with someone else is doing it with you. And we are doing it by video link so there's no excuse for not exercising. Now that I can go out in the garden that gives me a bit more exercise. Today I've been getting rid of some roots that are a pain. So doing things like this will ease the 12 weeks of isolation. My neighbours have been great too, several of them have asked if we need anything doing, any shopping and one of them even offered to cut my grass. How kind they are. I am obviously concerned about the number of people dying from Covid19 but I am worried that these deaths are becoming a statistic. There are families behind these number grieving. Please spare a thought for the families and not the number. Just think tomorrow will soon be yesterday, this virus will go away....we won't!!! Stay well everyone. - John, 70 years-old See John's previous post here. However the pandemic is affecting you, we hope some of these stores will show that you're not suffering, struggling or even feeling anxious alone. We'd love to hear your story too in the hope that it will help someone else, you can write a post for this blog here. Manage Cookie Preferences