Latest News Listen Up Manifesto Element Society has been working alongside Chilypep to run the Gen-Z project in Sheffield. Gen Z: A Generation for Change is a youth-led activism project led by Chilypep and Element Society. The young people on this project have created a manifesto for change called "Listen Up Manifesto" We are six activism organisations joining forces across the UK to empower, platform and drive young voices for change. Young people aged between 12-25 years old have created this Manifesto and Campaign. We believe in the power of the youth. We want young people to lead the decision making and creation of the Covid-19 recovery plan to ensure young people’s needs, values and demands are met, enabling a more equity driven society to follow from the hardships of the pandemic. We are told that young people are the future, but we are ready now, in the present, to make change and be heard. We have been unfairly ridiculed, belittled and ignored for far too long. The Covid-19 pandemic has only made this more evident in the Government’s handling of each aspect of life addressed in our Manifesto. This Manifesto outlines the asks, suggestions and demands we are all proposing to the Government. The six key calls to action are: Lower the voting age to 16. Young people need to be involved from the beginning of decision-making processes, not just consulted with in a tokenistic way. National youth decision making days, having a meeting once every six months with government officials and discussing how changes have young people. Government officials and change makers should come to us. Better decision-making opportunities and better their employment situations, better social mobility. Internship opportunities in government if they wanted to get involved. Limit the amount of privately educated people. Making sure all backgrounds and young people can apply. Make sure this is a paid internship and of no cost to the young people. Travel costs covered and expenses Download the Act for Change "Listen Up Manifesto"here: "Listen Up Manifesto" Manage Cookie Preferences