Life Hack Life Hack will return September 2023 For 23/24 referals please contact [email protected] Want to access support? Life Hack aims to support young people aged 16-18 to develop the skills and motivation to get into employment, education or training. We will deliver workshops supported by 1 to 1 sessions to develop the key skills young people need as they enter adulthood. You can stay on this project even if you enter employment, education or training while you're with us! Want more information? Contact Jasmine [email protected]0114 2999210 0795 8141845 Download our 2022/23 flyer here A project like this is so important for young people who don't engage with 'traditional' education setting. The school environment isn't designed for everyone, and those young people shouldn't miss out on learning key skills just because they don't fit into the current system. - Jasmine, Project Coordinator for Life Hack The development of these projects wouldn't be possible without the support of our funder, Children In Need Manage Cookie Preferences